
How it works

Get high-quality, virtually staged photos of any space in 3 simple steps.
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Frequently Asked Questions
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Should the photos I upload have specific guidelines?
For the best experience and results, we've set a few guidelines for photo uploads:
  • File Formats: Ensure your photos are in JPEG or PNG formats, as these are the only formats we support.
  • Resolution and Orientation: Photos should be at least 800x600 pixels. We support a 4:3 to 16:9 aspect ratio in landscape (horizontal) orientation. Please note that portrait (vertical) orientation isn't supported.
  • File Size: Keep your photos under 10MB to ensure efficient processing.
  • Color Profile: Specialized color profiles like infrared aren't accepted.
  • Aspect Ratio: Wide-angle or panoramic shots aren't supported. Maintain an aspect ratio between 4:3 to 16:9, always in landscape.
  • Automated Checks: Our system will automatically flag photos that don't match our criteria. This helps in maintaining quality.
By following these guidelines, you ensure seamless processing and contribute positively to our community. Thanks for your understanding and cooperation!
What quality should my uploaded photo be?
For optimal results, we recommend high-resolution photos, ideally taken with good lighting. The clearer your photo, the more impeccable the staging will be.
Can I choose multiple styles for one photo?
Absolutely! Feel free to experiment with various styles to see which one looks the best in your space. Keep in mind, though, that each round of photo generation corresponds to a credit.
How long does the AI take to stage a photo?
Our AI is swift and efficient. Typically, it takes just a few minutes to process and stage your photo, but this might vary slightly depending on server load and photo quality.
Is my uploaded photo kept private?
Absolutely. Your photo remains in our secured system. Our AI model, housed on trusted cloud infrastructure based in the US, processes your images internally without sending them elsewhere. We prioritize your privacy. Additionally, we don't use your photos to train our AI; they're solely for delivering your desired results.
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